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Sandra Crowe, a leading thinker in the arenas of dealing with difficult people and situations has used her expertise in the government and corporate managerial world to extract practical application and meaningful solutions in the most challenging workplace and personal scenarios.

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While we're busy working on our new website, feel free to reach out to me by filling out my contact form to the right.


Below you'll find links to my 2 bestselling books available on Amazon! You can get a Kindle, Audio Book for Paperback Version! Get both today and let me know how they have helped you become a better communicator!

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Available for Virtual Speaking Events

My Bestselling Books!

Click on the links below to get my books that will assist you in dealing with the most uncomfortable situations with ease!

"I Didn't Sign Up For This!"

7 Strategies for Dealing With Difficulty in Difficult Times

Click Here

"Since Strangling Isn't an Option..."

Dealing with Difficult People -

Common Problems and Uncommon Solutions

Click Here
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